Routing API

The Routing API works via HTTP GET requests and calculates routes between two or more waypoints. The API builds routes for automobiles, delivery trucks, cargo vans, bicycles, motor scooters, and walking or riding a bike. A returned result includes Directions and Turn-by-Turn navigation instructions.

You can now easily customize your routes using parameters to avoid specific road types and route parts, as well as locations that should be skipped. In addition, you can request detailed information like speed limits, route elevation profile, and more detailed navigation instructions.

We've created an API Playground where you can explore and examine the functionality of our API:

Routing API Live Demo

Authentication and API key

To use the Routing API, you'll need an API key. You can register and get a Routing API Key for free without a credit card.

We offer a free plan, so there's no need to stress about cost. Start for free and upgrade to a paid plan when the needs of your project increase. For more information on our plans, visit the Pricing page.

How to get Geoapify API key

  1. Register on Geoapify MyProjects page
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Go to the API Keys section. One API key is generated automatically. You can generate multiple API keys per project if required.
  4. Optionally, you can protect the API key by listing allowed IP addresses, HTTP referrers, origins, and CORS.
  5. Choose "Routing API" and an API key to generate a URL and programming code.
  6. Press the "Try" button to execute the API call and get the result object example.

API reference: inputs

The Routing API calculates routes between provided waypoints for different modes, from buses and delivery trucks to hiking and mountain bicycles. You can choose between JSON, GeoJSON, and XML output formats to integrate the solutions quickly into your project.

Request URL

Here are Routing API requests examples (click on a URL to test the API):

Request parameters

Name Format Description Example
apiKey Required parameter for API key apiKey=c3da27885e3573e09e550d044bc55e22
waypoints lat,lon
Waypoints separated by a vertical bar (pipe "|") symbol. Each coordinate is a pair of latitude and longitude, separated by a comma. waypoints=36.734770,-76.610637|36.761226,-76.488354,
mode See the Travel Modes table Travel or transportation mode. The Travel Modes table contains detailed information about possible travel modes and vehicle types. mode=drive
type Enum: balanced, short, less_maneuvers Route optimization type, the default value is balanced. Check Route optimization type for more information. type=short
units Enum: metric, imperial Distance units for the calculated route, the default valie is metric. units=imperial
lang See the Supported languages list Language for Turn-by-Turn instructions lang=es
avoid type:importance
List of road types or locations to be avoided by the router separated by a vertical bar (pipe "|") symbol. Check Avoid parameter option for more details. avoid=tolls:1|ferries|location:35.234045,-80.836392
details instruction_details
Comma-separated list of additional information added to the routing result. Check the Route details for more information. details=instruction_details,route_details,elevation
traffic Enum: free_flow, approximated The traffic model for route calculation, the default value is free_flow, meaning that the route is calculated optimistically with no traffic influence. The approximated traffic model decreases speed for potentially heavy-loaded roads. The traffic model is only used for motorized vehicles modes, such as drive, truck, etc. traffic=approximated
max_speed number The maximum speed that a vehicle can travel. This applies to driving mode, all truck modes, and bus modes. The max_speed should be specified within the range of 10 to 252 KPH (6.5 - 155 MPH). For trucks, the standard setting is 90 kilometers per hour (KPH), while for automobiles and buses, it's set at 140 KPH by default. max_speed=80
format Enum: geojson, json, xml The output format, the default value is geojson. format=json

Travel modes

Here are the travel modes supported by the Routing API and their respective vehicle parameters:

Mode Max vehicle weight Max vehicle height Description
A passenger car routing mode drive 3.5t 1.6m A passenger car
A small delivery truck routing mode light_truck 3.5t 3.2m A light truck, for example, small delivery truck or camping car
A medium-size truck routing mode medium_truck 7.5t 4.1m A medium-size truck
A truck routing mode truck 22t 4.1m A truck
A heavy truck routing mode heavy_truck 40t 4.1m A heavy truck
A truck with dangerous goods routing mode truck_dangerous_goods 22t 4.1m A truck carrying dangerous goods
A long-truck routing mode long_truck 22t 4.1m A long truck with a maximal length of 34m
A bus routing mode bus A bus. This mode checks bus access during the route calculation.
A scooter routing mode scooter A motor scooter or moped.
A motorcycle routing mode motorcycle A motorcycle.
A bicycle routing mode bicycle A city bicycle
A mountain bicycle routing mode mountain_bike A mountain bicycle to ride on unpaved surfaces but slower on paved terrain.
A road bicycle routing mode road_bike A road-style bicycle with narrow tires and lightweight construction.
A walking routing mode walk A pedestrian mode
A hiking routing mode hike A hiking mode additionally to pedestrian mode uses hiking trails and higher difficulty trails
A transit routing mode transit A transit or public transport mode.
An approximated transit routing mode approximated_transit A transit or public transport mode uses approximated (built on available in OSM transit routes) data for route calculation.

Route optimization type

The routing algorithm calculates the best route using specified input parameters. To help you build a route according to your requirements, we offer the following route optimization types:

Type Description Example
balanced A balanced route is a compromise between three main factors: time, cost, and distance traveled. the default value
short Optimizes a route by distance. type=short
less_maneuvers Extends the balanced routing type, but adds additional penalties for maneuvers. type=less_maneuvers

Note! The less_maneuvers route optimization type is supported only in combination with the following transportation modes: drive, truck, light_truck, medium_truck, truck_dangerous_goods, heavy_truck, long_truck, bus.

Note! The short route optimization type is not supported in combination with the following transportation modes: transit, approximated_transit.

Supported languages

The lang parameter specifies the language for route directions instructions. The following languages are supported: bg, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-GB, en, es, et, fi, fr, hi, hu, it, ja, nb-NO, nl, pl, pt-BR, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sv, tr, uk

Route details

You can request details on the route by specifying the details parameter in the request's path:

Route detail Description Example
instruction_details Adds detailed instruction for each transition maneuver, including maneuver type, instruction before the maneuver, and instruction after the maneuver. details=instruction_details
route_details Extends the route result data by additional information about each route segment, such as road class, road name, surface, speed limits, etc. details=route_details,elevation, details=route_details
elevation Adds elevation information for each point of route geometry and the corresponding route elevation profile. details=instruction_details,elevation, details=elevation

Note! The route_details and elevation increase the API call cost. Note! The route_details and elevation information is not supported in combination with the following transportation modes: transit, approximated_transit.

Avoid parameter options

You can specify the types of roads and locations that should be avoided when generating routes:

Avoid type Format Description Examples
tolls tolls or tolls:importance Avoid roads with tolls. In addition, you can specify how important this rule is on a scale of 1 to 0, with 1 being the most relevant and 0 being not important at all.

This rule works with drive, truck, light_truck, medium_truck, truck_dangerous_goods, heavy_truck, long_truck, bus modes only.
avoid=tolls|ferries, avoid=tolls:0.8
ferries ferries or ferries:importance Avoid ferries. In addition, you can specify how important this rule is on a scale of 1 to 0, with 1 being the most relevant and 0 being not important at all. avoid=highways|ferries, avoid=ferries:0.9
highways highways or highways:importance Avoid highways. In addition, you can specify how important this rule is on a scale of 1 to 0, with 1 being the most relevant and 0 being not important at all.

This rule works with drive, truck, light_truck, medium_truck, truck_dangerous_goods, heavy_truck, long_truck, bus modes only.
location location:lat,lon or
Avoid some parts of the route and locations. This helps, for example, to escape temporarily closed routes and barriers. avoid=location:35.234045,-80.836392, avoid=location_lonlat:-80.836392,35.234045

Note! The routing algorithm will consider the avoids you've provided when it generates a route, but it won't exclude roads if there are no alternatives. Note! The avoids do increase the calculation time and add additional cost on the routing API call.

API reference: outputs

The route contains information about the route geometry and turn-by-turn navigation instructions. The resulting structure will differ depending on the requested output format.


Before describing the Route object, let's clarify the terminology we will be using. The following picture shows a possible route schema for three waypoints. Let's use it as an example!

A result route object

Here is the terminology we use for the route results:

Name Description Example
Waypoint Locations provided as input parameters to calculate a route between them In the picture below, three waypoints or two pairs of waypoints
Leg A route part between 2 waypoints The picture below shows how the calculated route object const of two legs - the first from the first waypoint to the second, and the second one - from the second waypoint to the third.
Step A route segment that has some individual properties and may contain turn-by-turn instruction. A leg is usually composed of multiple steps. The first route leg consists of four steps in the picture below, and the second leg has three.
Geometry A route geometry is a MultiLineString (array of lines or LineStrings) object. Each line is an array of points. Every line corresponds to a route leg. In the picture below, a route will contain two route lines.

Result object structure

Depending on the format parameter, the Routing API returns a GeoJSON.FeatureCollection object, JSON object or XML. Here are the response object structures riding on the result format:

GeoJSON.FeatureCollection object

Name Description
type "FeatureCollection"
properties Input parameters used for route calculation. Typically, this is a JSON object containing the request parameters.
features array of GeoJSON.Feature. Every feature corresponds to a calculated route. The feature geometry consists of an array of LineStrings, each LineString representing one route between a pair of waypoints.

By default, only the response contains only one feature. More features can be returned when route alternatives are requested.

Click to get an example of a GeoJSON response object:,4.569876|50.66170,4.578667&mode=drive&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY

JSON object or XML

JSON object (or XML object) differ a little bit from GeoJSON:

Name Description
properties Input parameters used for route calculation. Typically, this is a JSON object containing the request parameters.
results An array of resulting routes. Each item in the array corresponds to a calculated route, which contains route legs, steps, and route geometry.

By default, only the results array has only one element. More routes are returned when more than one route is requested in one API call.

Here is an example of a JSON response object:,4.569876|50.66170,4.578667&format=json&mode=drive&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY

Route object

The route object contains information such as the calculated distance and estimated time of arrival at the destination, as well as turn-by-turn navigation instructions:

Name Description
distance Distance of the entire route
distance_units Distance units. "Miles" or "Meters" depending on the units input parameter.
time Estimated travel time in seconds
legs An array of route legs. Check RouteLeg object description for more information.
toll True if the route has tolls
ferry True if the route uses a ferry

RouteLeg object

A RouteLeg object consists of information about a route between two waypoints:

Name Required details Description
distance Distance of the route leg or between two waypoints.
time Estimated travel time in seconds
steps An array of steps. Check LegStep object description for more information.
elevation elevation An array of heights in meters corresponding to the route leg geometry points.
elevation_range elevation An array of [distance, height] values corresponding to the route leg geometry points. Both distance and heights are in meters
country_code route_details List of country codes crosses by the route leg

LegStep object

A route step contains details about a road segment, including the general-purpose road type, lane guidance for part of the direction, and turn instructions. Some information about the road segment is added by default, but additional information is provided only when the user requests more specific details from the route within the details parameter.

Name Required details Description
distance Distance of the route segment
time Estimated travel time in seconds
from_index The index value at which the geometry starts in the leg geometry object.
to_index The index value at which the geometry ends in the leg geometry object.
toll True if the step has toll
ferry True if includes a ferry
tunnel route_details True if is a tunnel
bridge route_details True if is a bridge
roundabout route_details True if is a roundabout
speed route_details Estimated speed
speed_limit route_details Speed limit
truck_limit route_details Speed limit for trucks
surface route_details Road surface. Possible values: paved_smooth, paved, paved_rough, compacted, dirt, gravel, path, impassable
lane_count route_details Number of lanes
road_class route_details Road class. Possible values: motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential, service_other
speed_limit route_details Speed limit
name route_details Road name
rightside route_details True for driving on the right side
traversability route_details Traversability. Possible values: forward, backward, both
elevation route_details or evelation Average elevation along the step
max_elevation evelation Maximal elevation along the step
min_elevation evelation Minimal elevation along the step
elevation_gain evelation The elevation difference between the first points of the step and the last point
instruction Contains turn-by-turn inscructions. If you request a route_details, some road segments may not have transition instructions because no turn is needed to go from one road segment to another. Check StepInstruction object for more information

StepInstruction object

An instruction object contains turn-by-turn navigation directions in human-readable and machine-readable form. The human-readable instructions can be localized with a lang input parameter.

Name Required details Description
text Navigation instruction
type instruction_details Type of maneuver. Possible values: "None", "StartAt", "StartAtRight", "StartAtLeft", "DestinationReached", "DestinationReachedRight", "DestinationReachedLeft", "Straight", "Straight", "SlightRight", "Right", "SharpRight", "TurnAroundRight", "TurnAroundLeft", "SharpLeft", "Left", "SlightLeft", "Straight", "Right", "Left", "ExitRight", "ExitLeft", "Straight", "StayRight", "StayLeft", "Merge", "Roundabout", "Roundabout", "FerryEnter", "FerryExit", "Transit", "TransitTransfer", "TransitRemainOn", "TransitConnectionStart", "TransitConnectionTransfer", "TransitConnectionDestination", "PostTransitConnectionDestination", "MergeRight", "MergeLeft"
transition_instruction instruction_details Transition instruction
pre_transition_instruction instruction_details Instruction before transition
post_transition_instruction instruction_details Instruction after transition
streets instruction_details List of street names that are considered for the maneuver
exitNumber instruction_details List of exit numbers that are considered for the maneuver
exitRoadName instruction_details List of exit road names that are considered for the maneuver
exitTowards instruction_details List of exit directions that are considered for the maneuver
contains_next_instruction instruction_details True when the transition instruction contains a part of the next instruction. For example, "Take the exit toward Beatties Ford Street, J.C. Smith University. Then Turn right onto Beatties Ford Road."
roundabout_exit instruction_details Roundabout exit's number

Error response and status codes

An error may occur when an API request is malformed, or some problem arises during the generation of a route:

Name Description
statusCode HTTP response status code. There are two general categories of server errors: 5xx errors usually represent problems with route calculation or are the result of a bug and 4xx errors are used to mark requests that cannot be carried out, generally due to bad input in the request or problems with the underlying data.

Important! Please contact us if you get 5xx error as a result.
error Human-readable string for the status code
message Error message

Code samples

The Routing API is just an HTTP request away. Requests are platform-independent and can be made from most programming languages. For our code samples, we use JavaScript. You can reimplement them in similar ways with the language of your choice.

Call Routing API

The call to the Routing API is a simple HTTP Get request. For example:

const myAPIKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
const fromWaypoint = [38.937165,-77.045590]; // latutude, longitude
const toWaypoint = [38.881152,-76.990693]; // latitude, longitude
const url = `${fromWaypoint.join(',')}|${toWaypoint.join(',')}&mode=drive&details=instruction_details&apiKey=${myAPIKey}`;

fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(result => {
}, error => console.log(err));

Show the result route on a Leaflet map

When you want to display a route on a map, GeoJSON is the easiest format to use. That format is natively supported by most popular map libraries, including Leaflet.

It’s simple. Here’s how to insert a route into the map:

L.geoJSON(routeResult, {
  style: (feature) => {
    return {
      color: "rgba(20, 137, 255, 0.7)",
      weight: 5
}).bindPopup((layer) => {
  return `${} ${}, ${}`

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle >>

Show turn-by-turn instructions on a Leaflet map

Each step in a route has from and to positions. You can pick up their coordinates from the route geometry by using the leg index in the legs array and from_index and to_index of the step. When creating a turn-by-turn navigator, you need to show a transition instruction at the beginning of each step.

Here is how to visualize the beginning of each step with a turn-by-turn instruction on a map:

const turnByTurns = []; // collect all transitions
routeResult.features.forEach(feature =>, legIndex) => leg.steps.forEach(step => {
  const pointFeature = {
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": feature.geometry.coordinates[legIndex][step.from_index]
    "properties": {
      "instruction": step.instruction.text

  type: "FeatureCollection",
  features: turnByTurns
}, {
  pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) {
    return L.circleMarker(latlng, turnByTurnMarkerStyle);
}).bindPopup((layer) => {
  return `${}`

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle >>

Show the result route on a MapLibre GL (Mapbox GL) map

You can use GeoJSON when you want to display a route on the map. GeoJSON is the most popular file format for representing geographical features.

map.addSource('route', {
  type: 'geojson',
  data: routeResult

  'id': 'route-layer',
  'type': 'line',
  'source': 'route',
  'layout': {
    'line-cap': "round",
    'line-join': "round"
  'paint': {
    'line-color': "#6084eb",
    'line-width': 8
  'filter': ['==', '$type', 'LineString']

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle >>

Get route steps geometry

You may need to display route steps, for example, to show different route segment details. You can do it in this way:

const steps = [];
routeResult.features[0].properties.legs.forEach((leg, legIndex) => {
  const legGeometry = routeData.features[0].geometry.coordinates[legIndex];
  leg.steps.forEach((step, index) => {
    if (step.from_index === step.to_index) {
      // destination point

    const stepGeometry = legGeometry.slice(step.from_index, step.to_index + 1);
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "LineString",
        "coordinates": stepGeometry
      properties: step

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle >>


We charge in units called "credits", for each Geoapify API call. Accumulated credits per day are called Daily usage.

Geoapify offers a variety of Pricing Plans to meet your business needs. Pricing plans start with a Free plan, including 3000 credits/day.

Here is a pricing calculation rules for the Routing API:

Rule Cost in credits Example
Number of waypoints A route between every waypoint pair costs 1 credit A route between 3 waypoints costs 2 credits
elevation details elevation details add additional 1 credit for every waypoints pair A route between 3 waypoints with elevation details costs 2 credits + 2 credits = 4 credits
route_details details route_details details add additional 1 credit for every waypoints pair A route between 3 waypoints with route details costs 2 credits + 2 credits = 4 credits
500km+ routes For routes over 500km in the distance, it costs one credit per 500km A route between 2 waypoints, that is 1378km, costs 3 credits
elevation for 500km+ routes For routes over 500km in the distance, the elevation details cost additional one credit per 500km A route between 2 waypoints, that is 1378km, with elevation details, costs 3 credits + 3 credits = 6 credits
route_details for 500km+ routes For routes over 500km in the distance, the route_details details cost additional one credit per 500km A route between 2 waypoints, that is 1378km, with elevation and route_details, costs 3 credits + 3 credits + 3 credits = 9 credits

Pricing calculation examples

  1. A route between Los Angeles, CA and Prunedale, CA, which is 498991m (< 500km), costs 1 credit.
  2. A route with an elevation between Los Angeles, CA and Prunedale, CA, which is 498991m, costs 2 credit.
  3. A route with an elevation and route_details between Los Angeles, CA and Prunedale, CA, which is 498991m (< 500km), costs 3 credit.
  4. A route between Los Angeles, CA and Marin County, CA, which is 630340m (> 500km), costs 2 credit.
  5. A route with an elevation and route_details between Los Angeles, CA and Marin County, CA, which is 630340m (> 500km), costs 6 credit.
  6. A route between Los Angeles, CA and Lewisville, TX, which is 2268071m, costs 4 credit.