Postcode API Playground
Enter a postcode to search, or click on the map to set filters and biases. Learn more about
Postcode API
and its features.
List Postcodes
Postcode by Lat/Lon
Postcode by text
Enter a single
ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2
country code in lowercase. The provided list is for example purposes; you can input any valid country code.
Filter By Text
Not specified
Filter by Geometry
Not specified
Filter results by a place, bounding box, or radius
Set Bias
Not specified
Prioritize results by location, bounding box, or radius
Explore More Options
Language: not specified,
number of results: 20,
geometry: original
Supported languages use 2-character
ISO 639-1
language codes. The provided list is for example purposes; you can use any valid language code.
Press the “Search” button to generate the API URL and code samples
Press the “Search” button to get a response example