Place Details API

The Place Details API allows getting information about the place, place geometry, and surroundings. The API lets you get information by place ID returned by Geoapify Places API or Geoapify Geocoding API as well as request information by coordinates.

In addition, the API works in conjunction with the Isolines API, so for example, you can get all of the amenities reachable from a given place and then use this information to make analytic suggestions about the location.

Place Details API Live Demo

Authentication and API key

To use the API, you'll need an API key. But don't worry! You can register and get a Place Details API key for free without a credit card. Our free plan includes up to 3000 requests/day. For more information on our plans, visit the Pricing page.

How to get Place Details API key

  1. Register on Geoapify MyProjects page
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Go to the API Keys section. One API key is generated automatically. You can generate multiple API keys per project if required.
  4. Optionally, you can protect the API key by listing allowed IP addresses, HTTP referrers, origins, and CORS.
  5. Choose "Place Details API" and an API key to get an URL and programming code.
  6. Press the "Try" button to execute the API call and get the result object.

API Reference: Inputs

The API is used to query additional information about the place or location. Together with information the result may contain place geometry (for example, building geometry) and records about place surroundings. The API is implemented via HTTP Get request.


Request parameters

Name Description
id Place unique identifier that was returned by Geoapify Places API or Geoapify Geocoding API
lat Latitude of a location. As alternative to "id" parameter, to get information about the location.
lon Longitude of a location. As alternative to "id" parameter, to get information about the location.
features Comma-separated list of the features. The "details" feature is returned when is not specified.
lang Result language. 2-character ISO 639-1 language codes are supported.
apiKey Required parameter for API key

Supported Features

You can request one or multiple features per Place Details API request. Note! When "features" parameter is not specified for a request with a place id, the "details" feature is returned by default.

Feature ID Result type Description
details Details feature Details and geometry for the place
details.population Details feature Adds population by years information. Costs an additional request. Need to be added explicitly.
details.names Details feature Adds international names. Costs an additional request. Need to be added explicitly.
details.full_geometry Details feature Returns original geometry. Costs an additional request. Need to be added explicitly.
building Details feature The API looks for a building where the specified place is located or by coordinates and returns details and geometry for the building
building.places Place feature [] Places of "commercial", "accommodation", "sport", "service", "rental", "healthcare", "childcare", "entertainment", "catering" categories located in the building found by the given place Id or coordinates
building.commercial Place feature [] Places of "commercial" category located in the building found by the given place Id or coordinates Place feature [] Places of "catering" category located in the building found by the given place Id or coordinates
radius_100 Geometry feature Circle with a radius of 100 m from the specified place
radius_100.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
radius_100.toilet Place feature [] Places of "amenity.toilet" category within the geometry
radius_500 Geometry feature Circle with a radius of 500 m from the specified place
radius_500.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
radius_500.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
radius_500.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
radius_500.toilet Place feature [] Places of "amenity.toilet" category within the geometry
radius_500.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
radius_500.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
radius_500.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
radius_1000 Geometry feature Circle with a radius of 1000 m from the specified place
radius_1000.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
radius_1000.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
radius_1000.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
radius_1000.toilet Place feature [] Places of "amenity.toilet" category within the geometry
radius_1000.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
radius_1000.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
radius_1000.atm Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
radius_1000.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
radius_1000.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
walk_5 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 5 minutes walking
walk_5.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
walk_5.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
walk_5.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_5.toilet Place feature [] Places of "amenity.toilet" category within the geometry
walk_5.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
walk_5.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
walk_5.atm Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_10 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 10 minutes walking
walk_10.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
walk_10.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
walk_10.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_10.toilet Place feature [] Places of "amenity.toilet" category within the geometry
walk_10.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
walk_10.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
walk_10.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
walk_10.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_10.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
walk_15 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 15 minutes walking
walk_15.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
walk_15.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
walk_15.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_15.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
walk_15.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
walk_15.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
walk_15.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_15.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
walk_30 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 30 minutes walking
walk_30.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
walk_30.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
walk_30.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_30.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
walk_30.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
walk_30.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
walk_30.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
walk_30.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
drive_5 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 5 minutes driving
drive_5.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
drive_5.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
drive_5.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_5.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
drive_5.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
drive_5.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
drive_5.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_5.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
drive_5.fuel Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.fuel" category within the geometry
drive_5.charging_station Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.charging_station" category within the geometry
drive_5.parking Place feature [] Places of "parking" category with "access" condition within the geometry
drive_10 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 5 minutes driving
drive_10.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
drive_10.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
drive_10.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_10.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
drive_10.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
drive_10.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
drive_10.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_10.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
drive_10.fuel Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.fuel" category within the geometry
drive_10.charging_station Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.charging_station" category within the geometry
drive_10.parking Place feature [] Places of "parking" category with "access" condition within the geometry
drive_15 Geometry feature Reachability contour/isochrone within 5 minutes driving
drive_15.supermarket Place feature [] Places of "commercial.supermarket" category within the geometry
drive_15.shopping_mall Place feature [] Places of "commercial.shopping_mall" category within the geometry
drive_15.tourism Place feature [] Places of "tourism" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "", "catering.fast_food", "catering.food_court" categories within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_15.hotel Place feature [] Places of "accommodation.hotel", "accommodation.guest_house" categories within the geometry
drive_15.playground Place feature [] Places of "leisure.playground" category within the geometry
drive_15.atm Place feature [] Places of category within the geometry
drive_15.park Place feature [] Places of "leisure.park" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry Place feature [] Places of "" category within the geometry
drive_15.entertainment Place feature [] Places of "entertainment" category within the geometry
drive_15.fuel Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.fuel" category within the geometry
drive_15.charging_station Place feature [] Places of "service.vehicle.charging_station" category within the geometry
drive_15.parking Place feature [] Places of "parking" category with "access" condition within the geometry

API Reference: Outputs

The response returned contains a GeoJSON FeatureCollection object. Features may have different Geometry types - Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon.

Response Object

Depending on feature type features may have different properties objects. Each feature has the following properties that allow identifying the feature:

Name Description
feature_type Type of the feature

Feature property structure varies by feature type. Here are the three features structures supported by this API: Details feature, Place feature, and Geometry feature. Please see the table above for the feature type returned for each feature.

Details feature specification

The "details" feature contains all the data available about the place, like contact information, wiki references, and others. Furthermore, the geometry object of the feature contains the place geometry if it has one. It's building geometry for buildings, boundaries for parks, and so on.

General properties

Property Data type Description
website string Official website
website_other string[] Other websites
website_international map object Websites by country
description string Description
description_international object Description by countries
name string Name
name_other object Other names
name_other.alt_name string Alternative name
name_other.old_name string Outdated name
name_other.official_name string Official name
name_other.short_name string Short name
name_other.loc_name string Local name
name_international object Names by country/language
opening_hours string Opening hours
opening_hours_covid19 string Opening hours special for covid-19 situation
brand string Brand. Trademarks, the identidy of the a product, service or business
brand_details object Brand details
brand_details.wikidata string Brand wikidata
brand_details.wikipedia string Brand wikipedia string Brand website
operator string Operator. Company, corporation, or person who is responsible for the object operation.
operator_details object Operator details
operator_details.type string Operator type
operator_details.wikidata string Operator wikidata
operator_details.wikipedia string Operator wikipedia string Operator website
branch string Branch of a brand or chain
network string System of routes or scope of the route
network_details object Network details
network_details.type string Network type
network_details.guid string Network GUID, usually for public transportation
network_details.wikidata string Network wikidata
network_details.wikipedia string Network wikipedia string Network website
owner string Owner of the place
owner_details object Owner details
owner_details.type string Type of ownership
owner_details.wikidata string Owner wikidata
owner_details.wikipedia string Owner wikipedia, string Owner website
craft string Place producing or processing goods

Contact information properties

Property Data type Description
contact object Contact information string Main phone number
contact.phone_other string[] Other phone numbers
contact.phone_international object Phone numbers by country string Main Email
contact.email_other string[] Other emails
contact.fax string Fax

Facilities properties

Property Data type Description
internet_access boolean If the place provides internet access
internet_access_details object Internet access details
internet_access_details.ssid string Network name
wheelchair boolean If the place is sutable for wheelchairs
wheelchair_details object Wheelchair related information
wheelchair_details.condition string Conditions
wheelchair_details.description string Description
wheelchair_details.description_international string Description by country/language
smoking boolean If smoking permitted
toilets boolean If there are toilets
swimming_pool boolean If there is swimming pool
dogs boolean If dogs permitted
air_conditioning boolean If there is air conditioning
changing_table boolean If there is a changing table for babies
outdoor_seating boolean If there is outdoor seating area
takeaway boolean If takeaway option available
takeaway_covid19 boolean If takeaway option available in covid-19 situation
delivery boolean If delivery available
delivery_covid19 boolean If delivery available in covid-19 situation

Restriction properties

Property Data type Description
restrictions object Contact information
restrictions.min_age string Minimum age for a person to enter the place
restrictions.max_age string Maximum age for a person to enter the place
restrictions.max_speed string Speed limit
restrictions.max_weight string Maximum actual weight
restrictions.max_height string Maximum height in metres
restrictions.max_width string Maximum width in metres
restrictions.max_stay string Maximum allowed time
restrictions.max_length string Maximum length in metres
restrictions.access enum Access type - "private", "customers", "permit", "designated", "permissive"
restrictions.access_details object Access details
restrictions.access_details.unisex boolean
restrictions.access_details.male_only boolean
restrictions.access_details.female_only boolean

Special for a category

Property Data type Description
fuel_options object: key => boolean Available fuel options for Gas station
socket_options object Information about socket types and amounts for Charging stations
payment_options object: key => boolean Available payment options for services and commercials
recycling_options opject: key => boolean Available recycling options
Accommodation properties
Property Data type Description
accommodation object Properties related to accommodations
accommodation.stars enum Stars - "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "1S", "2S", "3S", "4S", "5S", "1.5", "2.5", "3.5", "4.5"
accommodation.rooms string Number of rooms
accommodation.beds string Number of beds
accommodation.reservation enum Reservation information - "required" or "recommended"
Catering properties
Property Data type Description
catering object Properties related to restaurants, bars, cafe
catering.stars enum Stars - "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "1S", "2S", "3S", "4S", "5S", "1.5", "2.5", `"3.
catering.cuisine string Type of cuisine served
catering.cuisine_international object Type of cuisine served by country/language string Type of diet
catering.capacity string Capacity
catering.reservation enum Reservation information - "required" or "recommended"
Parking properties
Property Data type Description
parking object Properties related to parking
parking.type enum Parking type - "surface", "underground", "multi-storey", "lane", "carports", "rooftop"
parking.fee boolean If there is a fee
parking.access enum Access type - "private", "customers", "permit", "designated", "permissive"
parking.surface string Type of surface
parking.smoothness string Information about smoothness
parking.supervised boolean If supervised
parking.park_and_ride boolean If park and ride
parking.max_height string Max height information
parking.max_stay string Max stay information
parking.level string Level if located in multi-level building
parking.levels string Parking levels
parking.levels_underground string Parking underground levels
parking.capacity string Capacity
parking.capacity_details object Capacity details
Airport properties
Property Data type Description
airport object Properties related to airports
airport.icao string ICAO reference
airport.iata string IATA reference
airport.closest_town string Closest city
Building properties
Property Data type Description
building object Properties related to building
building.type string Building type
building.levels string Levels
building.levels_underground string Underground levels
building.age string Building age
building.type_ruian string RUIAN type of the building. Contains the type of the building from the RUIAN database of properties in the Czech Republic
building.use string Building usage type
building.use_type object: key => boolean Usage by type
building.architecture string Building architecture type
building.shape string Building shape
building.walls string Building walls
building.units string Units
building.flats string Flats
building.material string Material type
building.floor string Floor material type
building.color string Color
building.condition string Condition
building.owner string Building owner
building.start_date string Utilization start date
building.construction_start_date string Construction start date
building.height string Height
building.foundation_height string Foundation height
building.roof object Roof
building.roof.type string Roof type
building.roof.shape string Roof shape
building.roof.height string Roof height
building.roof.color string Roof color
building.roof.orientation string Roof orientation
building.roof.direction string Roof direction
building.roof.levels string Roof levels
Place of worship properties
Property Data type Description
place_of_worship object Properties related to building a place of worship
place_of_worship.religion string Religion
place_of_worship.denomination string Denomination
Commercial properties
Property Data type Description
commercial object Properties related to shops and commercials
commercial.type string Type of commercial
commercial.clothes string Type of clothes string Type of shoes string Description of the merchandise. A place of business that sells to a particular trade or trades. string Type of sport
commercial.bulk_purchase boolean If selling products without packaging boolean If selling organic food/products
commercial.fair_trade boolean Whether you can have fair trade food or products
commercial.origin string Country of origin
commercial.level string Level if locates in multi-level building
commercial.indoor boolean If locates indoor
Historic places properties
Property Data type Description
historic object Properties related to historic places
historic.type string Type of historic object
historic.civilization string Describe roughly which civilization (or ancient culture) has built a feature
historic.period string Period
historic.importance string Importance of the object
historic.site_type string A typological system for archaeological sites
historic.start_date string When the object was opened or constructed
historic.end_date string When the object was out of service
historic.military string Type of millitary object string Type of memorial object
historic.memorial_details object Memorial object details
historic.memorial_details.type string Type of memorial object string Name of memorial object
historic.memorial_details.text string Memorial object incription text
historic.inscription string Incription text
historic.ruins boolean If ruins
historic.castle_type string Castle type
historic.bunker_type string Bunker type
historic.megalith_type string Megalith type
historic.fortification_type string Fortification type
historic.artwork_type string Artwork type
historic.tower_type string Tower type
historic.object_type string Object type
Artwork objects properties
Property Data type Description
artwork object Properties related to artworks
artwork.artist_name string Artist name
artwork.artist_details object Artist details
artwork.artist_details.wikidata string Artist wikidata
artwork.artist_details.wikipedia string Artist wikipedia page string Artist website
artwork.artwork_type string Type of artwork
artwork.artwork_subject string Artwork object subject
artwork.start_date string When the object was opened or constructed
artwork.end_date string When the object was out of service
Heritage objects properties
Property Data type Description
heritage object Properties related to heritage objects
heritage.operator string Heritage operator string Heritage website
heritage.ref string Heritage reference
heritage.description string Heritage description
inscription_date string Date when the object was added to the preservation list

Wiki and media properties

Property Description
wiki_and_media object
wiki_and_media.wikidata Wikidata reference
wiki_and_media.wikipedia Wikipedia reference
wiki_and_media.wikimedia_commons Wikimedia reference
wiki_and_media.image Image url

Address properties

If the place has an address the feature properties contains address components as well:

Property Description
name Location name
country Country component of an address
state State component of an address
postcode Postcode or ZIP code of an address
city City component of an address
street Street component of an address
housenumber House number component of an address
lat, lon Coordinates of the location
formatted Display address
address_line1 Main part of the display address, contains building street and house number or amenity name
address_line2 The second part of the display address, contains address parts not included to address_line1

Timezone properties

Information about timezone the place belongs to.

Property Description Timezone name.
timezone.name_alt The alternative name of the timezone, if exist.
timezone.offset_STD Time offset.
timezone.offset_STD_seconds Time offset in seconds.
timezone.offset_DST Time offset for daylight saving time.
timezone.offset_DST_seconds Time offset in seconds for daylight saving time.
timezone.abbreviation_STD Timezone abbreviation. Provided when exists.
timezone.abbreviation_DST Timezone abbreviation for daylight saving time. Provided when exists.

Note! The data returned by the API only if it's present in the OpenStreetMap database. We provide the data as it is after some cleanup and formating. All the data of the OSM database is added by OSM contributors and some parts of it might be incorrect or outdated.

Place Feature specification

Name Description
name Location name
country Country component of an address
state State component of an address
postcode Postcode or ZIP code of an address
city City component of an address
street Street component of an address
housenumber House number component of an address
lat, lon Coordinates of the location
formatted Display address
address_line1 Main part of the display address, contains building street and house number or amenity name
address_line2 The second part of the display address, contains address parts not included to address_line1
categories All categories, that the places belongs to. Can take values of supported categories and supported conditions
place_id Unique identifier for the place, that can be used to extract additional information about the place with Place Details API and Boundaries API

Geometry feature specification

The following properties are common for Geometry Features

Name Description
lat, lon Coordinates of the location
type Type of the geometry - "radius", "time", "distance"
range Range in seconds or meters
mode Mode for isochrones - "drive", "truck", "transit", "approximated_transit", "walk", "bicycle".

Code samples

Extract required features

The Place Details API returns a GeoJSON FeatureCollection object as the result. The FeatureCollection contains all the requested features.

Every feature has a "feature_type" property that lets you identify which Place Details API feature the object relates to. Note, that depending on the feature it could be one or more objects of the same feature type:

// only one feature of "details" type, which is a GeoJSON Feature object
const detailsFeature = result.features.find(feature => === 'details');

// array of the features of "radius_500.supermarket" type
const radius500Supermarkets = result.features
  .filter(feature => === 'radius_500.supermarket');

// create a GeoJSON FeatureCollection object from an array of GeoJSON Feature to visualize it
const radius500SupermarketsGeoJSON = `{
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": ${radius500Supermarkets}

Visualize features

GeoJSON objects are supported by most client map libraries.

Here are a few examples how to display GeoJSON Layers with MapLibre GL / Mapbox GL:

// remove previourly added layers and source:
if ( {
    if ( + '-point')) { + '-point');

    if ( + '-line')) { + '-line');

    if ( + '-poly')) { + '-poly');

// add new GeoJSON source, {
    type: 'geojson', data: geojson

// add layers for the GeoJSON source

// 1. Layer to visualize Points{
    'id': this.placeLayerId + '-point',
    'type': 'circle',
    'source': this.placeLayerId,
    'paint': {
        "circle-radius": 10,
        'circle-color': "#bf4080",
        'circle-opacity': 0.7,
        "circle-blur": 0
    'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Point']

// 2. Layer to visualize LineStrings and MultiLineStrings{
    'id': this.placeLayerId + '-line',
    'type': 'line',
    'source': this.placeLayerId,
    'paint': {
        'line-color': "#bf4080"
    'filter': ['==', '$type', 'LineString']

// 3. Layer to visualize Polygons and Multipolygons{
    'id': this.placeLayerId + '-poly',
    'type': 'fill',
    'source': this.placeLayerId,
    'paint': {
        'fill-color': "#333399",
        'fill-opacity': 0.2
    'filter': ['==', '$type', 'Polygon']


We have a simple pricing structure, and you can get a rough idea of how much it'll cost from the number of credits per API call.

We have a range of Pricing Plans to suit your API usage needs. Start with our Free Plan (with 3000 credits per day included) and upgrade any time.

A Place Details API request cost depends on the features requested:

  • The request with empty "features" parameter returns the "details" feature.
  • The requested features costs are accumulated to the total request cost.
  • All places per isoline features ("walk_5.supermarket", "drive_5.charging_station") add corresponding isoline features to the responce.
API name Cost in credits Example
details, details.population, details.names, details.full_geometry 1 credit 1 request with details, details.population, details.names features costs 3 credits
building 1 credit 1 request with details, building features costs 2 credits
walk_5, walk_10, walk_15, walk_30, drive_5, drive_10, drive_15 1 credit per each 5 minutes of isochrone 1 request with details, walk_10 features costs 3 credits
building.places, building.commercial, radius_100.supermarket,, walk_10.supermarket, drive_5.supermarket and other places by radius features 1 credit per every 20 requests returned 1 request with details, walk_10.supermarket that returns 21 supermarket results costs 3 credits: 1(details feature) + 2(walk_10 feature) + 2(walk_10.supermarket feature)

Place Details API cost example

Let's calculate the cost of the following API call:

API call cost by features:

Feature Returned result Cost
details Details for the place 1 "Geocoding & Places" request
building Building where the requested place is located 1 credit
radius_500 Circle geometry with radius 500 m No additional costs for radius geometries
radius_500.supermarket 1 supermarket 1 credit 42 restaurants 3 credits ( every 20 places = 1 credit )
radius_500.atm 2 ATMs 1 credit
walk_10 10-min walk isochrone 2 credits
walk_10.supermarket 1 supermarket 1 credit
walk_10.atm 2 ATMs 1 credit 49 restaurants 3 credits ( every 20 places = 1 credit )
walk_10.playground 5 Playgrounds 1 credit
drive_5 5-min drive isochrone 1 credit
drive_5.supermarket 2 supermarkets 1 credit
drive_5.shopping_mall 1 shopping mall 1 credit
drive_5.fuel 1 fuel station 1 credit
drive_5.charging_station 1 charging station 1 credit
drive_5.parking 22 Parking 2 credits ( each 20 places = 1 credit )

In total, the Place Details API request costs 20 credits.