Geoapify Location Platform
API Documentation, Playgrounds, code samples
Glad you're here! Check out our sample code, quick start guides, and API reference documentation. You can try our APIs for free and with no registration with our Playgrounds.
Learn all about how to add a map to your app or website
- Map tiles
- Static maps API
- Marker Icon API
Geocode addresses and locations, get address suggestions
- Geocoding API
- Reverse Geocoding API
- Address Autocomplete
- Batch Geocoding
- Postcode API
- IP Geolocation API
Calculate and optimize routes for cars, trucks, pedestrians, and more
- Routing API
- Route Matrix API
- Map Matching API
- Route Planner API
Isochrones and isodistances to analyze the place's reachability
- Isolines API
- Geometry API
Get places and points of interest by categories
- Places API
- Place Details API
- Boundaries API
You can use our map tiles as a base map layer, or you can create PNG (or JPG) map pictures using our Static Maps API

Map tiles
Try different map styles and colors, generate Leaflet, MapLibre GL, or Open Layers code for the map.
Find locations by postal address, and find addresses by GPS coordinates. Add address suggestion forms to your apps, site, or blog.

Geocoding API
Geocode the address you provide to a location and find its corresponding postal address. The Geocoding API provides GPS coordinates, the structured address, and a confidence level to help verify addresses.

Reverse Geocoding API
Get a postal address by providing the GPS coordinates to the Reverse Geocoding API. The API returns formatted and structured address and distance to your input.

Address Autocomplete
The Address Autocomplete API lets you create address forms that collect addresses. The API provides you with address suggestions for a given address string.
Optimize delivery and logistics routes, snap GPS coordinates to roads, and find the most efficient ways for different transportation modes.

Routing API
Calculate a route between a pair or more locations. Choose "drive", "truck", "bicycle" or "walk" travel mode. Check turn-by-turn instructions generated.

Route Matrix API
Try to generate a Time-Distance matrix with Route Matrix API. Choose "drive", "truck", "bicycle" or "walk" travel mode.
See what's reachable within a specified time or distance. For example, find out what you can get to within 30 minutes on foot or in 15 minutes by car.
Query the Places by categories and get details about the places. For example, restaurants, tourist attractions, or places to eat.

Places API
With Places API you can query around 400 POI categories within a chosen boundaries, radius, or isoline. Generate an URL link and get a result object.
More APIs
Learn how to send batch requests to the API, which can help you work with large amounts of data and save on API Credits.
Code samples
Check our code samples that may help you to develop a custom location-aware application and solve your business task